Pastor Olugbenga Aregbesola
Pastor in Charge
Team Members

Pastor Olugbenga Aregbesola
Pastor in ChargeCAC BETHEL MIRACLE CENTRE is an assembly under CAC worldwide that is devoted to the Revival of the Power of God as of old, unlimited demonstration of Holy Ghost Anointing and preaching the message of our Lord Jesus Christ to the lost souls.
Based on our motto which stands on Holiness, Love and Unity, we are committed to absolute holiness within and without, showing love of Christ to the oppressed, and raising leaders of tomorrow among the teeming youths that constitute majority of our members.
At CAC Bethel, youths are trained to experience firsthand touch of the Holy Spirit with a view to empowering them to be reliant on God for a victorious Christian life.
At CAC Bethel, we dissect the word of God with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and also engage in aggressive prayer during which many are delivered fom satanic oppression and bondage.
We have Holy Ghost inspired programmes like Morning of Glory, The Word Works Wonder (Bible Study), Hours of Deliverance, Discipleship Training class and vigils on every Friday except second Friday of the month which is focused on using Praise and Drama to bring His presence down.
We also have intercessors that pray seven (7) days a week, non-stop.
Pastor Gabriel Olugbenga Aregbesola had his call into the ministry in a spectacular way. After his mandatory youth service in Kogi State of Nigeria in 1995 where he met his heartthrob, Olanrewaju, the two of them returned to Lagos to settle down.
They got married on October 24th 1998. Six months into their marriage, the unexpected happened on April 3rd, 1999. It was a Good Friday. His wife was down with a strange illness and became unconscious for two days. She was six months pregnant with their first child.
She was admitted to Krown Hospital in Iyana-Ipaja, Alimoso, Lagos on April 1st 1998. However, her health suddenly deteriorated to the extent that her kidney failed and her pvc was 17% instead of 36% expected of a pregnant woman. She was disgnosed of septicemia.
Around 2am on April 3rd, 1999, Pastor Gabriel had an encounter with Jesus. The Holy Spirit visited the hospital ward where his wife was admitted and gave a rhema by revealing to him the cause of the attack, the agenda of the devil to kill her on the Easter day and Jesus’ intervention to save her through the Power of His resurrection. He then gave him a mandate to propagate the gospel of His resurrection to the world. Shortly after, the spirit of death entered the ward and took hold of the wife’s right leg and she passed out. The husband started praying for two hours and reading the message written down by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for God to prove His Words. To the amazement of the doctor and the nurses around, his wife came back to life. (They heard him read aloud the message received from the Holy Spirit). They wanted to evacuate the baby I the Theatre thinking that the baby has died, but to their amazement, the mother and the baby survived to the glory of GOD. Hallelujah!
Ever since then, God has been proving Himself through His anointed servant with signs and wonders, many of which are available on our testimony column.
- To propagate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the world
- To promote the revival of Apostolic signs, wonders, and miracles
- To train believers by teaching them the undiluted words of God to do
- To train believers to receive Holy Ghost baptism and fire as well as a daily walk and relationship with the Holy Spirit
- To deliver the oppressed through the Power of the Holy Spirit
- To raise an aggressive end-time army for the
- To build up heavenly-bound and aggressive Christians who are to disciple
- To prepare converts for the second coming of our Lord Jesus
- To be the shining light of our generation
- To use Praise as an effective tool for salvation of souls
- To reach out to the widows and the needy as the Lord
- The Scriptures are the inspired Word of God; the only basis for our faith and fellowship
- The One True God, ETERNAL EXISTENT in three God The Father, God The Son, and The Holy Spirit
- The fall and deprivation of mankind, necessitating redemption through the Blood of Jesus Christ
- The Salvation of Mankind is through the Redeeming Work of Jesus Christ and the Regenerative Work of the Holy Spirit. Sanctification is seen as an act of separation from that which is evil
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Acts 2:4; 10:44 and 19:1-6
- Restitution for past wrongs where possible
- The Ordinance of the Church, the Lord's Supper, and Water Baptism
- The Church Universal, both visible and invisible
- The Ministry, divinely called and scripturally ordained as that approved of Almighty God
- Divine healing as provided by the Lord Jesus Christ
- The Rapture ushering all believers into the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ when He will physically land on the earth
- The Millennial Reign of Christ
- The Final Judgment
- The New Heaven and Earth
This is a radio and television outreach arm of the ministry to take the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the unreached.
This is a monthly program (every second Sunday service of the month) designed to develop singles spiritually, emotionally and mentally to achieve their God-destined purpose as well as preparing them for marriage.
This is a programme designed to enrich our teeming youth about leadership and character development. There are provisions for Christian literature and e-books to bring out the best in our youth for a better future. This include taking care of orphans by looking for sponsors of their education when necessary. It is done to continue the vision that God laid in the heart of His servant, late Pastor Samuel Olufemi Aregbesola (B.I.S.H.O.P)
This is a monthly program done every last three (3) days of the month. It is done with a view to promoting the revival of apostolic signs, wonders and miracles as it happened during the time of our fathers in the faith.
This is a radio and television outreach arm of the ministry to take the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the unreached.
This takes place every first Friday of the month at CAC Bethel Mountain of Solutions behind Rinsayo Estate, Esa-Oke Osun State. Time: 7am – 11am
This is an outreach arm of the Ministry with the sole purpose of conducting city-wide end-time revivals from time to time within and outside the country.