Partnering with us

Your partnership will allow us to help those in need in our community and beyond.

We run different programs which we used as a platform to win souls for Christ. This includes: Encounter with Jesus, Flame of Desire Resource Center, Mountain of Solutions, Power as of Old and Hours of Deliverance and supporting indigent members, such as orphans and indigent widows.

Ways to Partner with us

You can choose from the featured programs below. Your contributions are very much appreciated! God bless you.

Flame of Desire Resource Center (Hope Outreach Ministry)

C.A.C Bethel established the Hope Outreach Ministry to respond to the high incidence of substance abuse in our community. This includes Amphetamine dependence, marijuana, etc.

Our Youth Addiction Treatment & Recovery Program is a platform through which we reach out to young people who are seeking help for their teenage drug addiction and are making the conscious decision to try and embrace a cleaner, healthier life. It is important that these young people are provided with a strong support system to remind them of their triumphs and to encourage their recovery. We strongly believe that drug abuse is an issue that can be addressed effectively at the community level.

Our Ultimate Goals are to rehabilitate and steer them towards a purpose driven life . We plan to achieve these goals through your prayers, support and partnership with other stakeholders who offer professional help to rehabilitate those afflicted and affected by substance abuse.

Thank you for considering joining us in the movement to end substance abuse in our community.

Monthly Sponsorships of our TV and Radio Outreach Program (Encounter with Jesus Outreach Ministry)

By giving a set donation amount monthly or yearly, sponsors help CAC Bethel to regularly sustain its Weekly TV and Radio outreach program.

Other giving Opportunities

Contact Us to check out the ways you can direct your gift to make the impact you want.

Give Now

Donate by PayPal, Check or Money Order, or directly send your gift to our outreach Bank Account

You may also reach us by email or through our phone number: Local:

Toll-free: 1-800-………. ext.

Contact us to learn more about giving regularly.

God Bless you richly as you partner with us!

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